Apr 26, 2024

Why thesheet Web Clipper is a must-have tool for effortless design inspiration? - Step by step guide

Having a shared location for your products is good, having a simple web clipper tool to make the gathering easier is even better.

Collecting product information as an interior designer often feels like reaching for your phone to call a friend, but instead of hitting their name in your contacts, you're flipping through an old phone book each time to find their number. A bit of a throwback, isn’t it?

Manually copying product details from websites into various spreadsheets and files feels just as outdated. Each project turns into a repetition of search, copy, paste – and hope that you don’t slip up along the way.

It’s like dialling that number with each project, thinking, “Wasn’t speed dial invented already?” Well, spoiler alert! There’s a way to put all this into the “been there, done that” pile. Let’s talk about making things simpler, because who doesn’t love a bit of convenience?

The clipper can be used on any site

Copy-paste no more

The whole copy-paste routine isn’t just a minor nuisance, it’s a creativity killer. Imagine being in the groove, your design ideas flowing, and then you’re stuck doing the same thing over and over again – manually transferring product details. It’s like hitting every red light just as you thought you had a clear run. Not only does it eat up precious time, but the monotony could also dull that bright spark of inspiration you had going.

And let’s not forget the ever-looming possibility of mistakes. One wrong selection, and suddenly, the dimensions of a couch are all wonky, leading to a domino effect of tweaks and corrections. It’s like playing a game of telephone with your design elements, where the message gets more blurred with each pass.

In the grand scheme of things, this not only puts a speed bump in your project’s momentum but can also leave you second-guessing your creative choices. Who knew that something as mundane as gathering product info could throw such a wrench in the works?

Enter the Web Clipper

Our Web Clipper is not just any tool, but your shortcut to skipping all the red lights and cruising straight to your creative destination. This clever helper is available right in your browser and transforms the tedious task of gathering product info into a breeze. Just a few clicks and product details are magically transported from the webpage directly into your project. No more manual detours or error-filled paths.

The best part is that everything is also saved in thesheet’s Product Library, making collaboration within your team easier than ever. Everyone can access, add to, and refine this library, streamlining your workflows like never before. This isn’t just about making individual tasks easier, it’s about enhancing the way you work together as a team.

So, forget the old, cumbersome ways and welcome the efficiency and renewed creativity with our Web Clipper. It’s the solution you’ve been waiting for, turning the chore of product research into a swift, enjoyable part of the design process.

How to use the Web Clipper?

Let’s take it step by step.

1. Add it to your Chrome browser

If you don’t have Chrome you can download it from here.

First, to add any extension to your browser, you have to click on the three dots at the upper right corner of your browser window. Then choose Extensions > Visit Chrome Web Shop from the dropdown menu.

Next, type “thesheet.co Product Clipper” into the search bar to find the extension or use the link here to find it. Click on it and use the “Add to Chrome” button . When you’re asked if you want to add “thesheet.co Product Clipper”, just press “Add extension”.

Once this is done, you can find all your extensions, including the Web Clipper by clicking on the puzzle piece icon next to the browser's URL bar. By using the Pin button you can also Pin it to be easily accessible at all times in Chrome.

2. How does it work?

Now that the extension is added to your browser, let’s dive right into how to use it. Select the Web Clipper from the dropdown menu with the puzzle piece, and it pops open on the right side of your window.

If you open it the first time, you have to press Authorise and if you’re logged in on thesheet.co, it will automatically connect the tool to your account. This means all the information is added straight to our system. 

Now that you’ve authorised the tool, it becomes active. You can check if the active indicator is green from the upper right corner of the Web Clipper. This lets you choose if you’re in the information gathering mode or just browsing.

When everything is activated, it’s time to start gathering information straight from manufacturers' websites. To add information about a product, select the field you want to add. For example, if you want to add a picture, first click on the area with the grey square and then on a photo on the website. The same goes for everything else. Just click on the field you want to add information to first, and then click on the text on the website. It will automatically appear in the clipper.

Alternatively you can right-click on any information on the website and a drop-down will appear. From the drop-down you can choose which field to fill with that information. Finally, you can also enter text manually in any field.

After all the information is gathered, it’s time to save it. If you want to add products to a specific project, you have to choose it from the dropdown menu from the bottom part of the tool. You can also choose the specific space from there. If you’re just gathering information, there’s no need to choose a project and you can just click “Save to Library”.

3. How to find the products saved to the library or change product specs?

All the products added from the Web Clipper can be found in the Product Library. For that, go to thesheet’s platform and select “Product Library” from the top menu. You will see a list of entered products to scroll through or you can use the search bar to find the right one.

To change the information of a product, click on any field or use the “Details” button on the right side to focus on a particular product.

There’s also an option to change the information of a product already added to the project in the project view. Both clicking on a desired field and using the “Details” button work there as well.

It’s time for the next step

And there you have it. Gone are the days of the tedious copy-paste routine, replaced by a slick, user-friendly tool that makes gathering product information as easy as pie. With everything from adding products directly to your projects or saving them for later in the Product Library, the Web Clipper is all about efficiency and simplicity.

So why would anyone stick with the old ways when a sleeker, faster route is just a click away? Make the Web Clipper part of your daily toolbox on thesheet and feel the difference today!

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